Thursday 4 January 2007

Benvenuto 2007

Gary leads the Karaoke!

Loads of lovely grub!

Martin and Tony entertain the partygoers

Happy New Year Darling!

Janet's House the following Morning!

New Years Day at Teulada Beach

The year got off to a wonderful start with a party in Perde Sali. It's great to get out of the marina and city occasionally. Our wonderful Brompton bikes can only take us so far. Also with the benefit of frinds who live here we get to see more of real Sardinian life. It's wonderful when strangers invite you to their home and offer you accomodation when they haven't even met you....just on the request of a mutual friend.

Before the party we walked down to the marina at Perde Sali which as you can see is lovely with the mountains so close by.There was a great mix of Sard and English partygoers who all mixed very well and celebrated both New Years with gusto. Any excuse! Everyone brought food and there was a mountain which seemed to be constantly replenished. Martin and Tony entertained us all with some folk music which was followed by English then Italian Karaoke.

Janet and Eliot were wonderful hosts and even offered accomodation for many of us.The weather was kind and on New Years Day we all enjoyed a lovely walk on Teulada beach after helping clear some of the detritus from the night before. This largely involved eating platefuls of food.

Great way to start the New Year!

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